
SmartHealth Clinics Information system

Constitutes a sophisticated integrated Information System

SmartHealth a sophisticated integrated information system

SmartHealth is an Information system developed for Primary Health Care Units (Diagnostic Centers, Polyclinics, Outpatient Clinics). It consists of a series of subsystems that can cover all services & departments of the Primary Health Care Units, incorporating all technological developments and complying with international standards.

SmartHealth constitutes a sophisticated integrated information system that helps accelerate operations, improve provided services and reduce repetitive bureaucratic tasks.

What we offer

Apollo SmarHealth

A complete and expandable medical record installation

3d illustration of Medical Record and client-server architecture. Multimedia data support (images, voice, video).

Connection support of medical equipment (in vitro diagnostic and imaging equipment).

Structure and develop the Medical Record using Problem Oriented Medical Record (P.O.M.R) & Subjective Objective Assessment Planning (S.O.A.P.).

Short and long presentation of the medical record using Internet DHTML & XML technology.

Based on international and official standards of Medicine Informatics (ICD10, ICDO, AEO, HL7, DICOM).

Apollo SmartHealth

Multilevel organizational structure

Unified working environment for the organization’s various departments.

Dealing with multiple companies in the same facility and infrastructure

Configuration capability to respond to the specific requirements of each Organization.

Multi-level departments creation, so the system can support all departments, from the reception and the administration department, to the accounting, customer service, doctor’s offices (Clinic1, Clinic2 etc), imaging laboratories (CT1-CT2 etc), and biopathology laboratories (Lab1-Lab2 etc. including subsections of biological material ordering, categorization & filing, sending and receiving tests from in-vitro diagnostics equipment, processing, checking and final approval of results.

MyHealthAngels Interoperability

External connections & Interoperability

Ability to connect with other information systems through HL7 messaging.

Possibility of expansion to other Diagnostic Centers – Companies -Associate doctors.

Connection with government’s e-prescription system

Ability to integrate with My Health Angels to feed PHR.

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